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Rice Unsuited

Anyone taking the trouble to read Susan Rice’s bio will be duly impressed with her credentials, experience and scholarship. Still, with all due respect I must disabuse such person of the notion these qualify her to be Secretary of State. Her primary focus/discipline from the start of her career has been African affairs. She gave her several dissertations on this, and has served in various capacities addressing the African...

Dirty Dancing, Politically

For over two months pundits on both sides have queried Benghazi in shallow fashion. On the left, for weeks and weeks we heard how this was a spontaneous riot, very unfortunate but no big deal. They also tried to spin how the right was hell-bent on politicizing it, trying to take momentary advantage on the eve of the election, falsely sullying Obama’s foreign policy image and impugning his effectiveness as...

Dear Ben

I’ve heard you on numerous occasions speak of tax increases and raising the debt ceiling. You’re a nice man and a good conservative, but you just don’t get it. When you describe the Tea Party caucus as being too strident or inflexible, I’d like to remind you how those other republican guys in congress contributed heavily to the mess we’re in, with their affability. The ones who pride themselves on reaching across...

The Dregs & The Dross

This Benghazi thing is a complete snafu from top down. Nobody is stepping forward to accept responsibility and no one seems willing to point the finger, when we all know where the blame lies. The national media is both collusive and culpable, with its reluctance to find the truth. It’s been over two (2) months, yet all we have is lip service. Only Fox News is outraged by this cover-up, and beats the drum. The president...

Compromising Right

For years and years republicans have been giving away the store, bending a little here, dealing there, giving something back there. Next thing you know, $16Tri in debt and can’t balance a budget! We’re growing the size of government beyond all imaginings! The Purple Gang {Rinos} let this happen. They thought they were dealing in good faith, being moderate & bipartisan, but look what happened? We moved progressively...