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No credibility

We seem to live at a time and in a place where the truth no longer matters. Persons in positions of authority routinely dodge, dance around, equivocate and outright lie rather than admit to whatever it is the public would like to know. Politicians, managers, executives, department heads, senior officials and whoever all seem to believe they are above questioning, which means above accountability. When they are questioned,...

Remove This President!

As a private citizen who deeply loves this country, I must stand and demand President Obama stop everything, cancel vacations, trips, golf games, political fund-raisers and all legislative items on his agenda, to immediately address and explain, step by step, what happened in Benghazi on the evening of Sept 11th, 2012.   These past nine months demonstrate he feels no compunction or duty about this event, no interest in...


It’s been more than six(6) years since congress agreed to build a Fence along the entire stretch of the US/Mexico border, and it’s barely half done. Nor have additional resources been tasked to border security, such as border patrol people, surveillance cameras, drones, airborne patrolling and so on. Americans were in favor of this by a large majority and now wonder, what’s the point of having elected...

No Euphemisms / Pulled Punches Here!

Hillary & gang say they’ve told us all we need to know about Benghazi. Anything they left out, hey, what’s the difference? Due respect Madam Lucretia, but your hubris makes me hurl! Ambassador Rice acted on the best intel available, relying on it exclusively. Bull, Madam Spokeshole! They told you what to say and you spouted the party line, truth be damned! What did they offer, State? That didn’t work out...


Another roadblock looms ahead. The work crew loitering about leaning on shovels are democrats, motioning us to detour away from this newest obstacle and down a very bumpy road with more dangers and pitfalls. They’ve had us do this many times, costing us a lot more to get where we want to go. Our original road was great: wide, clear, good repair, allowing steady passage to great destinations. We marveled at the sights,...