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A Miasma From Black Charlatans Limousine-Liberal W...

In earlier pieces I wrote how Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Rev Wright are nothing but merchants of mayhem, spinning every situation, event & crime into a race-based witch-hunt. Case in point: Trayvon Martin. Virtually every black leader across the country leaped to a conclusion this was white-on-black hate crime. End of story. Didn’t matter Zimmerman had a history of being cordial/friendly to blacks;...

With all due respect, Congressman Ryan

In response to email solicitation from Paul Ryan’s staff on 7/24/13 Dear Cong. Ryan, With all due respect, when you and Sen. Rubio joined with Senators McCain, Graham, Lee and others to support their immigration bill, it broke my heart. I am Conservative first, then republican. When I see you and your colleagues vacillate on an important issue like this, when I see you making backroom deals and compromises, it shames me...


Welcome to the funhouse, sometimes called Gotham City, the Big Apple, Metropolis and that Sex in the City place, but soon to be known as Sewer City, Johns Town, WeenieBurg or OscarMeyerVille. Just a minute, while I roll on the floor laughing! The image of  that serious press conference yesterday just fogged my brain, with Hillary’s gal Huma defending her husband, standing up for his goodness and public service...

Outrageous ideas – Voting: Right or Privileg...

Everyone takes voting for granted as an unquestioned right. If you can fog a mirror, vote; make your “X”, vote; unavailable on voting day, absentee vote etc. What’s wrong with the idea we all have the right to vote subject to certain basic requirements? In this ideal voting world voters would be minimum age, have a proven minimum intelligence, maintain their status as law-abiding productive citizens, be out...

Bitch of Benghazi

Howard Dean thinks Hillary may have some competition in the 2016 presidential primaries, due to her age. Right. How’s this for appeasing her fans and calling a skunk a pole cat? She’ll be 69 when those primaries roll around, and the party will want someone younger, he says. So unfortunate, since everything else about her is great! She has no problems whatsoever. Just age. Can you believe this guy? I think doc has...