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The Transforming Cometh

What many people characterize as a train wreck is being foisted upon us. Obamacare is the bane of our existence. Funding the government revolves around it, raising the debt looks to it, and any bill or legislative idea plays 2nd fiddle to it. It’s the main, underlying wedge between liberals/conservatives, the ever-present reason behind all current disputes. The left believes our healthcare was privileged, accessible to...

Liberals & Statists Banging At Our Door!

Conservatives must take stock of the grave situation we’re in. Debt is at an all time high, both in real dollars and as a percent of GDP. Economic growth is sluggish and in real danger of slipping back into recession. A balanced budget under this president/congress isn’t going to happen so debt will continue to rise. Obamacare by itself is estimated to add another $850Bil over the next nine years. Unemployment,...

Hillary Schmillary

Everybody’s talking about who the best candidate will be for the republicans come 2016: Mitt again, Christie, Rubio, Cruz or some new person waiting in the wings. No matter who they pick, there will be controversy, dissent and the real possibility republicans will split and weaken as they seek the presidency.   Meanwhile, everybody’s also talking about how Hillary Clinton is a shoe-in for the democrats and, based...