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American Entropy

Be afraid for America. We’ve had it too good for too long, and it’s caught up with us. Besides, nothing stays the same, right? Us, things around us, even the world itself are all in flux: aging, mutating, decaying, eroding, slowing, cooling, dying. Take atoms and molecules. They aren’t at rest. They’re in motion trying to break their bonds to escape the confines of subatomic space. Laws of physics keep...

Deadly Political Ignorance

A few years after WWII and into Harry S. Truman’s presidency Winston Churchill, having been ousted as Prime Minister by a growing socialist electorate, gave a radio address warning of an Iron Curtain descending across Europe, a Soviet influence quickly developing into stalemate between the USSR and the west, henceforth called The Cold War. This geopolitical reality shaped the course of events for the next 40yrs until...

America Spiralling Down

If you’ve ever seen footage of a plane losing power and rolling into a death spiral you know that unless it restarts the engine there’s no hope for a safe landing. Planes fly due to decades of technology creating a multitude of moving parts. If some fail back-ups kick in, but things like engines are self-reliant. They fail, it’s over. Many now see America as a doomed airplane whose engine has stopped, myself...