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Controversies: {PC} {EC} {BRC}

We all know about PC, or political correctness. It’s been around 50yrs, maybe more, taking to task our daily conversations, butting in when insensitivity/intolerance rear their ugly heads. But to be clear, potentially offending someone without realizing it could be ignorant or clumsy and not a mean-spirited dig. Back in the day we had Orwell’s 1984 and his thought police. Instead of Scifi we now have an arbitrary 3rdparty...

American Collide-A-Scope

A kaleidoscope works to arrange random bits of glass into an endless array of patterns which are curious to the eye and marvelous to behold. This simple device changes randomness into order and visual artistry,  just as government tries to focus the noise/hubbub of millions of opinions into a coherent body politic. Pieces of glass are the stuff of kaleidoscopes; small constituencies the stuff of government. As you add more...