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Time, Thunberg & Codswallop

So I went through my mail today and there was Time magazine {need to track what the other side is up to!} and wonders never cease: their Person of the Year, Nordic teen Greta Thunberg, stared up to the heavens with waves crashing round, symbolizing environmental activism and hope for the future. I’m thinking, shouldn’t she be in home-ec or doing her algebra homework? {Sorry, that first one should be FACS for family and...

Misguided Defectors/Fanatics?

If you’re like me you hold your values tight believing they’re right and just. The world would be a better place if everyone was on a similar path. For me, the values are conservative. For others, liberal. Who’s right? Which will produce a more perfect world, a world with more equality, opportunity, social justice and personal freedom for all peoples, colors and ethnicities; a world offering hope for all abilities and...