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The Way I See It

I’ve suspected for years certain politicians have used their power in unethical, even illegal ways to achieve their ends. Since I believe ends do not justify means, this suspicion is disturbing to say the least. Now we see actual evidence proving such behaviors by many individuals indicating some kind of conspiracy has been at work after all, particularly since Trump came on scene. I’ll use Deep State to describe what...

To My Liberal Pals

For years I’ve been writing my opinions on the state of America. You all joined my readership at one time or another saying you were the opposition who didn’t like most of what I said but curiously enjoyed how I said it! I’ve accumulated 150+ readers, including you guys, many of whom tell me they forward to friends. Combined with my blog this lets me hope there are hundreds of conservatives out there who share my...

Actions – Not Words

When I was a kid we had an expression, maybe you did too – sticks & stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me! The adult version became  –  actions speak louder than words. Many of us have trouble with Trump because of the way he speaks and comes across. There’s very little polish or finesse, suggesting he isn’t educated or refined. Maybe, although we know he went to college. Refined? Social graces?...