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Well guys, I give up! Going back to Clinton’s frolics I’ve been trying to understand the mass inability/unwillingness to call a spade a spade. I don’t mean that in a racist sense but in its original Greek which, back in roughly 300BC, meant calling something what it was, without prevaricating. Don’t beat around the bush – say it! To most people, Bill Clinton was an unknown governor from Arkansas. That’s all we...

Open letter to all conservative presidential candi...

The following letter will accompany all future political contributions to conservative candidates, presidential or below, republican or not. I think donors hoping to elect a true conservative should use it or something like it to alert a candidate he/she is not getting help/support for nothing. It and any future help will always depend and be predicated on a stipulation of shared moral, ethical and ideological...

A Letter To Lynol

I wrote the following letter in response/reaction to a discussion I had just had with a business associate who happened to be black. The tone of our discussion was cordial, and we found agreement in many areas. But he made a few remarks which I found inconsistent with the bulk of his view-points and, rather than challenge and create an air of adversity in the midst of an otherwise polite productive conversation, I let it...

Letter to Paul

Letter to my good friend Paul, a politically conservative Jew, who’s discouraged by the debating performance of Mr. Romney 10/17/12 Hey Bubie, Well, I was hoping for more from Romney and I’m sure you were too, but overall, he did OK. He definitely seems gun-shy about challenging/attacking Obama with cold hard facts, like the Libyan tragedy or his broad-sweeping proclamations how his policies are working, how the Bush...

2nd Letter/Rebuttal to Ben Stein

Mr. Stein. It’s me again. I wrote you last month with concerns I had about remarks you made during an appearance on The O’Reilly Factor in early Aug’11. I highlighted these in my letter of 8/16 (encl) addressed to you, care of Young America’s Foundation, accompanied by my contribution to that body. Please understand I’m not mad or even perturbed. I love that you love your dog and this country. You’ve proven this...

Letter/Rebuttal to Mr. Ben Stein

Mr. Stein, I am happy to support your wonderful organization, and have done many times before. I applaud your involvement with them. I know you are an intelligent man and yes, you are a lawyer, economist, writer, author, speaker, comedian, humorist and many more things of which I am unaware, perhaps such as roving statesman, envoy at large, world’s greatest husband and so on. I’ve enjoyed watching and reading you over the...