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With all due respect, Congressman Ryan

In response to email solicitation from Paul Ryan’s staff on 7/24/13 Dear Cong. Ryan, With all due respect, when you and Sen. Rubio joined with Senators McCain, Graham, Lee and others to support their immigration bill, it broke my heart. I am Conservative first, then republican. When I see you and your colleagues vacillate on an important issue like this, when I see you making backroom deals and compromises, it shames me...

Stingy Rich or Utopian Dreamers?

Rebuttal Article by Joseph Stiglitz Equal Opportunity, Our National Myth The New York Times Opinionator. 2/18/13 According to Doctor Professor Chairman Nobel Laureate Stiglitz, America is offering less and less opportunity to the disadvantaged, especially during the past 25yrs. He’s a brilliant man, so I guess he should know. Unfortunately, brains and politics sometimes don’t mix, at least not in the conventional...

Grand Bargain Baloney!

New York Times Editorial – Help Wanted: Leadership – Thomas Friedman – 9/24/11 I take issue with several of his points. Grand Bargain: He states we’re all in agreement we need a grand bargain to get out of this mess. Not true. No Compromise: He states both parties seem to have concluded no compromise is possible. Not true. GOP Wants Obama to Fail: He states republicans want Obama to fail, this from the get go....

2nd Letter/Rebuttal to Ben Stein

Mr. Stein. It’s me again. I wrote you last month with concerns I had about remarks you made during an appearance on The O’Reilly Factor in early Aug’11. I highlighted these in my letter of 8/16 (encl) addressed to you, care of Young America’s Foundation, accompanied by my contribution to that body. Please understand I’m not mad or even perturbed. I love that you love your dog and this country. You’ve proven this...

Letter/Rebuttal to Mr. Ben Stein

Mr. Stein, I am happy to support your wonderful organization, and have done many times before. I applaud your involvement with them. I know you are an intelligent man and yes, you are a lawyer, economist, writer, author, speaker, comedian, humorist and many more things of which I am unaware, perhaps such as roving statesman, envoy at large, world’s greatest husband and so on. I’ve enjoyed watching and reading you over the...