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Searching For Peace Of Mind

By most estimates there are several million Muslims already living in America, perhaps many more. Now this president wants to allow 10,000 to 200,000 Syrian refugees to come, who will undergo a questionable vetting process at best. As a concerned citizen, and in light of the recent terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Ca., along with many others going back at least 6 or 7 years to the Fort Hood massacre, which contrary to this...

Self Inflicted Mayhem

The horrible tragedy in San Bernardino could have been avoided. I say this because the two gun-wielding maniacs who committed this atrocity were easily identifiable by their ethnicity and religion, but due to political correctness and our gullible acceptance of all cultures, they walked in, bought guns and ammo. No problem. This is insane! Gun laws work for the most part, but they can’t detect future homicidal...

Thoughts about guns

We’ve all heard just about enough on this subject, assuming we respect the rights of others and understand the 2nd Amendment. Guns are part of our culture, a fact of life. They aren’t going anywhere, and nobody is taking them away. Now I’ve established my position, let’s look at a few things requiring study and possible action. First, both sides must absolutely agree, for the most part, guns...

Dirty Dancing, Politically

For over two months pundits on both sides have queried Benghazi in shallow fashion. On the left, for weeks and weeks we heard how this was a spontaneous riot, very unfortunate but no big deal. They also tried to spin how the right was hell-bent on politicizing it, trying to take momentary advantage on the eve of the election, falsely sullying Obama’s foreign policy image and impugning his effectiveness as...

Dear Ben

I’ve heard you on numerous occasions speak of tax increases and raising the debt ceiling. You’re a nice man and a good conservative, but you just don’t get it. When you describe the Tea Party caucus as being too strident or inflexible, I’d like to remind you how those other republican guys in congress contributed heavily to the mess we’re in, with their affability. The ones who pride themselves on reaching across...

The Dregs & The Dross

This Benghazi thing is a complete snafu from top down. Nobody is stepping forward to accept responsibility and no one seems willing to point the finger, when we all know where the blame lies. The national media is both collusive and culpable, with its reluctance to find the truth. It’s been over two (2) months, yet all we have is lip service. Only Fox News is outraged by this cover-up, and beats the drum. The president...