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Time again, old bugler
Too swiftly came this dawn
Stand tall and blow the reveille
Our mantle we must don

Blow loud and true good sentry
Comes soon a painful chore
Let all folks by your bugling know
We’re Blue and Gray once more!

Beckon bugler, high and low
Make all heed fast your plea
Crackers, Bro’s, Homeboys too
Must stand for liberty!

And show old glory, raised on high
Proud bolt, though sad its worth
Besmirched of toils, suffering, blood
The labors of our birth

Sadly true, its face shown dim
For those of darker sheen
Who suffered greatly, wretched souls
From torments they had seen

Yes, days of yore with visions sore
Bore witness to this land
It’s greatness and abundance
Back then were not so grand

Still blow good fellow, flag unfurl
Proclaim us best, bar none!
Our greatness yearns to reign again
As history’s noblest son!

Let some gnash teeth or spit their bile
Blaring harsh decree
In ire they shout – but some have less!
That’s all their eyes can see

Yes, flaws there be, good friends and foes
Still, best this world has known
Left to learn, to find its way
What bounties will be sown!

So brace old flag to steel our souls
The road ahead to trod
We’ll march in faith or walk alone
Each held by his own God

Rouse up our fight, good bugler
With trumpet rend the air!
Nudge that flag with strident blasts
Its majesty re-declare!

Despite our crimes, faults and ills
We’ll grin with certainty
And pay high price while giving all
To prove our fealty

And Oh you heroes long gone down
We’ll ne’er forget your deeds!
We’ll fight our best to win your smile
As destiny it must needs

I am the bugler, you are too
We’re all in freedom’s band
Let’s raise the call and do our all
To save this precious land!


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I’m Al Shane

Alvan I. Shane Author, The Day Liberty Wept 2270 N Euclid Ave Frequent Op-Ed Contributor Upland, Calif 91784 Political Donor to Cons Grps / Causes (909) 946-5104 Ex-Marine / California native Tax Accountant / Mar 43yrs / 1 son
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