We’re obviously dealing with a president & crew having little regard for truth nor are they honest/forthcoming in their methods and tactics. They use sophistry and flat out deceit to sell programs/policies which are fundamentally altering the political framework of this country.
While debating issues as a candidate Obama clearly said his goal was to transform America, to change our healthcare to a single payer system, and tax the rich in order to level the playing field, using this transfer of wealth to aid the middle class, thus creating a more egalitarian society.
By rich he meant those making over $200K; by middle class those making under $200K, and for those unfamiliar with the word egalitarian, it means equality regarding social, political and economic rights, the kind of forced equality one expects from statist/socialist systems. It’s clear he wants to bring down the upper class and raise the lower class, but his words rich and middle class are euphemisms/misnomers meant to throw us off his ulterior motive and real, oft repeated goal.
It sounds nice to say tax the rich, since most of us aren’t rich and know it won’t affect us. Same thing to say help the middle class, since most above the poverty level would consider themselves middle class and be glad to take whatever help they can get. We must understand, however, that in truth the vast majority making under $200K actually make under $100K and are lower middle class and poor. Conversely, a majority making over $200K earn less than $999K & so are not rich in the true sense of the word, only relatively speaking.
Consider: if rich means over $200K and demographers say these are the top 5%, included is everybody from Joe the Plumber to Bill Gates. But, by changing the upper cutoff to $999K & eliminating Gates and the rest of the real rich, we can re-categorize all making less as not rich but middle class, and see it’s really this middle class he’s talking about taxing. So, he’s not really helping the middle class, but hurting it! The only ones helped are those making less than $100K: lower middle class & poor.
Of course, helping this economic stratum is good and necessary if we’re to profess being a healthy, equitable society compared with others. But, isn’t it odd to couch words & phrases in such a way as to exploit our understanding? Back to the top 5%, which seem rich compared to the other 95%. But inside the numbers we find out of 16mil people, only 1.5mil make over $999K, leaving 14.5mil under and, as I am defining it, not rich.
In summary, in our population of 330Mil, 16Mil+ make over $200K but 90% of these, or 14.4Mil, make less than $1Mil. This means his rhetoric disguises how he actually attacks/subsidizes 328.4Mil of us, or 99.5%, duping untold millions to believe they won’t be affected. Talk about lambs to slaughter!
He’s not after the real rich. He knows he can’t touch them. They know it as well, so to them it all must seem quite a silly game, and explains why the Hollywood elite, super-jocks and business tycoons can afford to support this man & his proposals. They’re elites, blue bloods, nouveau riche whose fortunes are secure and incomes hidden. They will not pay more tax than they want, no matter what government says. That leaves us dummies in the $200K > $999K arena like gladiators in the coliseum of ancient Rome, fighting for our financial lives!
Slowly but surely as taxes increase, a shrinking upper middle class will be subsidizing the poor into the lower middle class, resulting in a less stratified population. The bar into lower middle class will go up, the bar defining upper middle class will go down. The number of people in the entire middle class will grow because each wealthy person losing status is helping 20-30 poor increase their status. So upper middle incomes will shrink, opening a wider gap between us and the real rich. Said another way, there will be fewer citizens making between $750K > $1Mil.
The sides of the pyramid are contracting, getting steeper, with fewer in the needle-like center column and more spread out in an expanding one-dimensional base. This is the haves/have-nots scenario in places like Mexico and most non-westernized or socialized countries. It’s clear this president is leveling the playing field internally and externally, transforming us into another banana-republic, 3rd world country. Tens of millions of upper class/upper middle class people are at risk in this transformation likely to lose more than half their wealth. It already happened to many in the financial meltdown of 2007/08, but not to the likes of Clooney, Streisand, Jamie Foxx, Samuel L Jackson & Warren Buffett. They got through just fine, and will weather through anything else that comes, bank on it. Like I said, we in the upper middle are the dummies, the dupes, the hapless gladiators.
We’re being induced to this folly by deception and collusion.
Nothing Obama says can be believed; nothing he does can be taken at face value. We’re guinea pigs in a socialist experiment, lab rats in his statist madhouse. He will continue to evade, dissemble and lie to serve this agenda.
He began his conquest with false promises, misstatements and bald-faced lies, none of which were challenged by media. He’s since been shown to be an inveterate liar, unabashed hypocrite and charlatan of the highest order, yet still enjoys wide popularity and media support. The masses have truly been duped, the intelligentsia woefully misguided by their own liberal/progressive beliefs. We remain in peril so long as he’s in office.
We’re being induced into the redistribution of wealth, shrinking middle class and growing the lower class, entitling untold millions into permanent dependency, downgrading America into a Europeanized 2nd tier nation or even a 3rd world country. We can’t know his ultimate goal, but must assume the worst.
In my next piece Incitement to Ruin I will discuss how he foisted Obamacare upon us with blatant lies, how this final deceit is, in reality, not about healthcare at all but a political feint/subterfuge to throw us off his real purpose: implementing and enforcing a single-payer 100% government run healthcare system, the crown jewel of his transformational agenda and critical next step toward his statist, socialized society.
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I’m Al Shanea
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