Hillary & gang say they’ve told us all we need to know about Benghazi. Anything they left out, hey, what’s the difference?
Due respect Madam Dufus, but your hubris is unbelievable!
Ambassador Rice acted on the best intel available, relying on it exclusively. Bull, Madam Spokeshole! They told you what to say and you spouted the party line, truth be damned! What did they offer, State? That didn’t work out so good, huh . .
Secretary Panetta says no assets were near enough to be effective so we couldn’t help. Just watch/listen as our people died. All due respect sir, but bullcrap! The resources at your disposal, to not avail yourself of a single one is incredible and speaks to your indecisiveness in the midst of crisis, shows blatant lack of qualification/expertise for your job. More importantly, it suggests your fundamental goal was to protect Obama politically even at the cost of human lives! You can piss off, you party hack!
Cutter & Wasserman-Schultz, what a pair. Neither knows a colonel from a kernel! They’ve got less military sense than a new recruit waiting for his first hair cut, and they’re out there jawin’ how the administration is on it, will get to the bottom of it and, anyway, what’s the big deal? These things happen. More important right now is how nasty republicans want to kill your granny & poison the air! And did you know Romney was complicit in a woman’s untimely death? Yeah, we should be thinking about that, not Benghazi. You two are beneath contempt. Please, slither back in your hole, crawl in your spin-cave, whatever.
CIA Dir Petraeus, FBI Dir Meuller and AG Holder, what a menagerie! Never appreciated how quickly and totally Washington’s culture corrupts and ruins. General Petraeus must be deep in self-loathing, or should be, going from parthenon to charnel house. What a tumble. What leaks occurred? What breaks in security? What lapses in judgement? Astoundingly, everybody knew! A loose canon rolling around bangin’ the bulwarks & mum’s the word!
FBI knew back in August, probably informed Justice the same day, had beer & pretzels with our fearless prez by that August midnight, yet kept it secret until after the election. How convenient! What infractions, improprieties, malfeasances & outright laws did they subvert? Did Petraeus’s character lapse contribute to Benghazi? Did he lose focus, jeopardize national security, while besotted with his romance and sexual daliance?
They’re all dirty, wallowing in the vulgar veneer of this administration. Anything goes! No accountability! Loyalty above all. Duty amongst selves equals honor among thieves, desired ends justify means and to hell with the country!
Senators Graham, McCain & Paul, where the hell are you? Speaker Boehner, Congressman Issa? Where’s the press, the media bobble-heads, the beards & pipes of statecraft, academia, the Katie-cuties with their frowny gravitas for our fallen?
They’re out to lunch, on the golf course, talking to democra-dumbos & celebrity know-it-alls like Clooney, JFox, SLJackson, KeriW, ScarletJ, MorganF, Babs, Meathead, EdAsner, Wein- stein, EvaL, SeanP, the YuTalkinToMe? dude on and on, not to forget scumbag, pottymouth Mahr. Oh, and the Williams boys, Brian and Juan, and those democrat-strategist Fox infobabes.
What a bunch of feckless, guilt-ridden, irresponsible, hypocritical, arrogant, self-indulgent Marxist elites!
Someday, I hope soon, the real truth behind this cover-up will come out, and it’s going to be ugly. For some self-respecting individuals still having an ounce of integrity in their partisan boots, still knowing right from wrong, it will be downright disgusting & obscene. Are you listening O’Reilly, mister no spin? You who think Hillary did a good job traveling a million miles visiting/partying in 100 countries? You who say it’s unfair and boorish to call Obama a socialist?
Every night we’re fed pablum by you and your fellows, mentally fastened to our idiot box teat, drifting off to Obamaland, telltale dribbles running down our chin. Big Brother is real, cyber-omnipresent, at large and extremely keen on taking us down. That’s America I’m talking about, vacuous gazers, you tens of millions of bastard-takers of something for nothing!
And you readers of NYT/LAT/WP, etc, you highbrows thinking you get straight scoop from these mighty denizens of truth, you are more the fool. Peruse these rags for anything other than the latest shooting or plane crash, and you’re crazier than a schizophrenic on steroids. Party line folks, that’s it. No fair and balanced on these pages, no opposing points of view, no attempt at reality. Nothing but elevator music for the somnambulant masses.
Little could Bush1 anticipate how his 1000 points of light would someday be 100 million points and growing, indicative of a terrible malaise sweeping the land, each point a citizen in the act of burning down his own house, just to keep warm.
That’s right. A citizen’s house is his country, and every time another citizen gets in line for freebies and handouts, for his very livelihood, he adds to the burden of our exploding needful society. Soon more of us will need than provide, take more than pay, lounge more than work. We have a government encouraging this, not to mention telling young girls to have babies and don’t work. That’s its message: more babies, minimum work, more benefits. Vote progressive! Vote democrat! Vote for us!
A fire is raging in our house, make no mistake, and this administration stokes it instead of putting it out. A minority of us are down at the fire house, scrambling to do their job, but we’re getting lost in the throes of an undisciplined fire drill, nobody directing the effort or manning the hoses. So the house, with its 100 million points of light is burning out of control. One must wonder how many millions more it will take, before the the edifice crumbles, and the conflagration is complete . . .
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I’m Al Shane
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