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Not a flesh and blood circus with exotic sights and sounds, but a clown show playing devious sleight of hand/trickery since 11/3/20. Attendance has been stupendous, measuring hundreds of millions. It’s broken every record, beating Taylor Swift, Beatles, even Elvis! Literally half the country is unable to escape from its devious strategizing, hypno-psyopic grip while the other half are wary but never-the-less captive in its mind-numbing sway over perceived truth. What if we the people of earth’s freest country have never been free, no more than animals in a zoo?

Many believe a consortium of leftists, communists, globalists, central bankers starting with Rothschilds have been running the world and America since it began. Cabal, deep state, shadow government, New World Order, WEF, call it what you will. Money behind monarchies, dictatorships and governments holds power/sway over every decision, event, act on the world’s stage. How we’ve prevailed is anyone’s guess, especially as you absorb the telling of this saga.

These are researched conclusions of a learned individual who spent 30yrs studying American history. Still, his findings must remain speculative, subject to your own opinion.

Hamilton under Washington chartered the 1st central bank, sponsored by monied interests foreign/domestic and leading back to Rothschilds. So, we relied on a bank run by Bank of England owned by Rothschild who already owned banks throughout Europe from our start. The charter lapsed in 1811 under Jefferson.

A 2nd central bank is established by John C. Calhoun/Henry Clay under President Madison (1816). It effectively ends in 1834 under Andrew Jackson. An assassin then tried to kill him with twin pistols at close range but both misfired. He’s later identified as a member of a secret society, Rothschild Agent {RA}.

Calhoun, Jackson’s good friend and VP, grew disenchanted with federalism/unionism/tariffs turning advocate for central banks and southern interests.  He spent most his life agitating for secession with key followers Clay, Daniel Webster, Jeff Davis. Meantime Aaron Schonberg, a German agent for Rothschild, arrived in 1837, changed his name to August Belmont, quickly became Democrat Party Boss; Judah Benjamin, Jewish senator from Louisiana, served Jeff Davis and was the real power in the Confederacy.  Both had direct ties to Rothschild {RA}

From Jackson to Civil War three strong pro-union southern presidents died under suspicious circumstances. James Polk(1841) Benjamin Harrison(1849) Zachary Taylor (1850), all in good health when suddenly they died from what probably was poisoning by secessionist agents in and around the White House {RA}

Next Franklin Pierce who suffered a train derailment on his way to inaugural, killing his young son, devastating his wife (1853); his VP-elect W King of Alabama becomes ill and dies leaving him no VP. James Buchanan, on way to his inaugural, stayed in a hotel in DC where he and nephew got violently ill; he lived but nephew died(1857) {RA}

Stephen Douglas, 48yrs old and strong backer of Lincoln, even though Democrat and rival in campaigns, held his stove pipe hat during Abe’s inaugural speech. Later, became ill and died after a few days(1861) {RA}

Meanwhile Russia’s Tsar Alexander II sent his fleet to both coasts warning England/France not to intervene on behalf of southern states. After two attempts he was killed by a bomb (1861) {RA}

Lincoln the unionist opposed central banks and had treasury notes – Greenbacks. During his first term two children took ill and elder son Willie died; typhoid, maybe poisoning. On his trip back to DC for 2nd inaugural a plot was found in Baltimore: he changed route. After reelection he was killed by J W Booth (1865){RA}.

In 1871 Ulysses S. Grant was solicited by emissaries from Rothschild offering loans; in 1878 Rutherford B. Hayes sanc-tioned a new corporation USA Inc whose board members were European bankers headed by British monarchy {RA}

Next were Garfield (1881) and McKinley (1901), both Republicans from Ohio, strong unionists, anti-central bank. Assassins were disgruntled anarchists with European ties who per NY TIMES “feared the policies of these men” {RA}  1910 secret meeting on Jekyll Island off coast of Georgia; prominent bankers craft a plan. Titanic sinks (1912) with wealthy anti-central bankers Guggenheim and Astor. President Wilson signs Federal Reserve Act (1913) creating Federal Reserve Bank, the 3rd central bank {RA}

Rothschilds were/are a mafia-like cabal using wealth to control the destinies of nations. Besides banking they would rule the world. 20th century wars were instigated by them using deceit, false flags, espionage; triggered Great Depression (1929). Seeming progressive they align/infiltrate democrats creating puppet governments {RA}; both Roosevelts perfect ploys for pushing central banker’s agenda!

JFK foiled Bay of Pigs, was avoiding Viet Nam, took steps to create our own money; assassinated not by a “lone gunman” but deep state conspirators; RFK honoring JFK legacy suffers same fate {RA}; conservative Americanist REAGAN tried to kill him first term; Bush Sr, Reaganite in sheep’s clothing; he/ Bush Jr globalist RINO’s pushing cause: bank crisis, Patriot Act, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Clintons, Obamas and Bidens all served to expedite/complete the overthrow of USA, witnessed by close examination/ analysis of their actions and policies. Working with Soros, Rothschild, Klaus Schwab they attack the constitution, law enforcement and sovereignty itself; reject our religious foundation, moral tenets, patriotism, physical borders, fiscal integrity, military mission, basic biological/anatomical reality, individualism and God! They encourage illegal immigration w/entitlement insanities resulting in dilution of our citizenry. Now, attempted killing of Trump!

They’ve been infiltrating America for a hundred years, occupying upper echelons of police, schools, media, health, entertainment, gov’t. They rigged 2020 election using covid histrionics; diabolical plandemic facilitating fraud!

The Bushes are suspected of criminal improprieties and the entire rogue’s gallery of Congress, FBI, CIA, Justice, Secret Service, court system all sinister co-conspirators if not traitors, crimes-against-humanity criminals/maniacs who will soon be exposed and punished! Reason and justice are about to reign once more!

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I’m Al Shane

Alvan I. Shane Author, The Day Liberty Wept 2270 N Euclid Ave Frequent Op-Ed Contributor Upland, Calif 91784 Political Donor to Cons Grps / Causes (909) 946-5104 Ex-Marine / California native Tax Accountant / Mar 43yrs / 1 son
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