In his newest book VINDICATING TRUMP Dinesh D’Souza gives his rationale for what drives Never Trumpers. He uses the analogy of those old west movies where a small town languishes under the boots of a gang of outlaws until along comes a stranger who sizes things up, then single-handedly kicks their butts!
At first the townspeople don’t know what to think – who is he? What does he want? Some feel he’s one more problem on top of the rest. Call them Never Rowdy’s. Then, as he begins to show his mettle and stands up to the outlaws, they see he’s a new hope for getting out of their predicament! A stubborn few, like the sheriff, judge and a smattering of educated {easterners} however don’t accept it!
It seems those who were primarily responsible for letting the town go down are digging in their heels. They don’t like being sidelined, shown up for the feckless deadbeats they are, specially seeing their book-learned legalities and highfalutin standards tossed aside, supplanted by coarse, roughshod brutality: bad beaten by worse bad!
During the Reagan-Bush era things still worked, made sense. There weren’t in-your-face improprieties, nonsensical goings-on or 2-tiered adjudications in kangaroo courts. We still operated – ostensibly – as a constitutional republic. Then Clinton came along and we saw the next 24yrs go south – until Trump. The educated easterners watched it all; so did mainstream Republicans and all us patriotic citizens. From Clinton to Bush2 to Obama things got progressively worse. We came within a hair’s breadth of having another Clinton, at which point all would have been lost!
But with the help of the military (who originally asked him to join the fight!), against all the odds, Trump sent Hillary off to the hoosegow and saved our bacon! He then turned things around by establishing/maintaining peace in the world, im- proving the economy, helping Blacks/all non-whites improve their lot with education, income and home-ownership.
Still, the Republican hierarchy and eastern-schooled intelli-gentsia – never mind upstream Democrats and hyper-liberal progressives/globalists wanting to bring down America – weren’t happy. He wasn’t their guy or in any sense, one of them. So the latter group began an intense, single-minded vendetta to eject this outsider/interloper from their midst. They used every trick, then made up tricks to expel him and there was little/no help from the namby-pamby milquetoast Republicans or RINO right!
Now our old west metaphor – call it Libertyville – should have been ready. They knew bad guys were around and could drop in any time. Did the sheriff have a deputized militia to call up, if worst came to worst? Had he practiced his pistol-shootin’? As typically dramatized, no. He’s a layback, easygoing lawman hoping trouble won’t come around. When it does, he isn’t ready, nor is the town.
Unlike Libertyville, America had plenty of time and aware-ness there were bad folk. History was full of examples how societies, cultures, nations fell to usurpers, tyrants and ideologues down through the centuries. We stayed strong by schooling young people about the dangers, staying alert to political movements which smacked of socialism/communism/globalism, challenging all forms of progressivism/anti-Americanism with constant reminding of our history and the sacrifices made to create and maintain our country!
Well, we did a lousy job! We dropped our guard! We allowed the rhetoric and banter of the day to become monopolized with ideas and concepts which, face value, seemed harm-less: talk of kinder and gentler; takes a village; glass ceilings; police racism; borderless society; re-distribution of wealth; fiat currency; equal outcomes; nationalism as jingoism et al.
The politicians, media moguls, law enforcement hierarchy, educators, scholars and daily commentators all witnessed what was happening, watched it creep into our schools, institutions, foundations, corporations and government during three administrations covering 24yrs. Truth be known, this ideological attack had been going on way back to the time of Lincoln, gaining traction/momentum under Woodrow Wilson and the Roosevelts, Eisenhower, LBJ – even Jimmy Carter added his 2 cents of globalism, starting the Dept of Education!
America has been deculturized, mal-educated, propagandized and misinformed by an ongoing barrage from a cabal of ideological malefactors who, under a variety of names and excuses, has as its sole purpose the bringing down of America! They’ve done this right up our ignorant noses, in our faces, every day, in our news, movies, TV programming, sports, music, arts, literature, politics, scholarship gov’t.
The pundits and experts, like Libertyville’s sheriff and judge, don’t like Trump. He’s a rough diamond, unpolished and unrefined. He shoots from the hip and worries about it later. He goes into their liberal china shop bellowing, gesticulating, stomping, frowning-growling at anybody/anything getting in his way or distracting from his sole purpose of cleaning up the swamp and eradicating bad guys!
If it was 150yrs ago he’d be OUTLAW JOSEY WALES and/or every other good/bad-guy Clint Eastwood played over time; 40yrs ago he’d be DIRTY HARRY single-handedly cleaning up a corrupt police department and City Hall!
Donald Trump is the live version of a Justice Vigilante who knows what’s wrong and how to fix it! He has no interest in slowing down or justifying himself. He’s 78yrs old, knows his energy/vitality won’t last forever. He may scratch his rear, lack eloquence, pick his nose, tell an off-color joke or whatever other nonsense the beard/pipe/pinc nez crowd throws at him, even ancient peccadillos from his youth/bachelorhood. Tell me they aren’t a bunch of hypocrites!
He’s a flawed human being, just like the rest of us, but he’s the right guy at the right time/place and – like Eastwood riding into Libertyville – he’s the best and only hope we have of getting out of this mess.
If you’re a Never Trumper I say STOP! THINK! When did you first decide this? Why? Are you sure it was good judgement? Do you see any parallels between Eastwood’s characters and Trump? If you do, ask – have you been a NEVER ROWDY person? {Clint Eastwood played Rowdy Yates on the TV western RAWHIDE}.
I live in Libertyville and love my town and its constitution. I will do anything to save it! I believe/trust Trump is our guy. He’s a good guy, about to show his bad . . .
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I’m Al Shane
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