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Rino’s V. Conservative Manifesto

I recently read a piece by a conservative commentator extolling the virtues of so-called RINO’s and moderates in the republican party, suggesting their middle-of-the-road approach will work much better than the harsh stance presented by hardline teapartiers. Their voice is too strident, posture too intractable, to offer much help with negotiation and compromise. Except > if she would stop and think for a minute...

Drunken Sale’rs Of More Debt

In the next several weeks we’ll be hearing the bitter debate in Washington concerning the Debt Ceiling. Democrats {sale’rs} won’t cut anything, and will offer tokens to appease and distract. Say anything, try every trick, just get the increase. They’ll agree to cut the rate of growth claiming this will save trillions over the next ten years. One problem: if the rate slows but still leads revenues, we...

Conservatives get down!

We’re down on national debt. Down on the size of government. Down on entitlements, and down on spending. We’re down, down, down. We’re also down with balancing the budget, transparency, full disclosure on Benghazi, and a complete investigation of the Fast & Furious and White House leaks scandals. We’re totally down with better cooperation from the Justice Dept, and better relations with our loyal opposition. If...

Grand Bargain Baloney!

New York Times Editorial – Help Wanted: Leadership – Thomas Friedman – 9/24/11 I take issue with several of his points. Grand Bargain: He states we’re all in agreement we need a grand bargain to get out of this mess. Not true. No Compromise: He states both parties seem to have concluded no compromise is possible. Not true. GOP Wants Obama to Fail: He states republicans want Obama to fail, this from the get go....

The Hate Thing

Recently a well known talk show host asked his guests what the deal was with hate speak? He opined everybody does it, asking why we sink to this level? Why did certain people goad the worst in us, evoking distrust, disgust and hate? Liberals rant that republicans don’t care about the poor or women!  Latinos can’t possibly be republicans! The GOP will throw granny off a cliff! The rich don’t pay enough! They hate that!...