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We’ve just learned the republicans caved again, granting Obama a 3-4mo reprieve before using the Debt Ceiling to shut down his government. I use the word reprieve advisedly opposed to delay, extend, dilly-dally, hoping they really mean to do it. Ever the optimists, we conservatives! Reprieve connotes guilty as charged, with temporary hold on punishment pending a last-minute reassessment of the situation. Look for...

Two Gorilla Surprise!

We’re the board of directors at the zoo, and our original budget called for one(1) gorilla in the simian enclosure, along with all the other screeching apes, monkeys, chimps & baboons. Now we find ourselves with two unplanned 900lb gorillas who, along with the other primates, are eating us out of house and home! One faction suggests we seek out more efficient ways of buying provisions: increase the volume, use...

Drunken Sale’rs Of More Debt

In the next several weeks we’ll be hearing the bitter debate in Washington concerning the Debt Ceiling. Democrats {sale’rs} won’t cut anything, and will offer tokens to appease and distract. Say anything, try every trick, just get the increase. They’ll agree to cut the rate of growth claiming this will save trillions over the next ten years. One problem: if the rate slows but still leads revenues, we...