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It’s been more than six(6) years since congress agreed to build a Fence along the entire stretch of the US/Mexico border, and it’s barely half done. Nor have additional resources been tasked to border security, such as border patrol people, surveillance cameras, drones, airborne patrolling and so on. Americans were in favor of this by a large majority and now wonder, what’s the point of having elected...

Obama’s Commandos – Part I – Sin...

OK, pat yourself on the back. You’re the ones who made it happen, and continue to make it happen. You the enthralled, the mesmerized by this master of teleprompters. Yes, he’s black. Youthful. Idealistic. Non-warlike. Ivy League yet Chicago streets. Smokes, not in your face. Invites rappers to the White House. No scandals biting his heels. Perfect representative for change. Ideal front man for the...

Drunken Sale’rs Of More Debt

In the next several weeks we’ll be hearing the bitter debate in Washington concerning the Debt Ceiling. Democrats {sale’rs} won’t cut anything, and will offer tokens to appease and distract. Say anything, try every trick, just get the increase. They’ll agree to cut the rate of growth claiming this will save trillions over the next ten years. One problem: if the rate slows but still leads revenues, we...

Demand Con*firmative Action!

I’d like someone to explain to me why my tax dollars are being spent on schools and universities that have an excessive liberal bias? This has become a deliberate modus operandi of school administrators who’s personal biases seem to dictate their hiring practices. We’ve known for years educators and teachers tend to be liberal. It’s a typical teacher’s political stance, and we’ve tolerated it. But the...

Compromising Right

For years and years republicans have been giving away the store, bending a little here, dealing there, giving something back there. Next thing you know, $16Tri in debt and can’t balance a budget! We’re growing the size of government beyond all imaginings! The Purple Gang {Rinos} let this happen. They thought they were dealing in good faith, being moderate & bipartisan, but look what happened? We moved progressively...