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Now What?

The acid test begins. Will Trump keep his promises? Surround himself with proven, experienced people who know their way around? Show he really knows how to deal and compromise? Most importantly, will he push conservative values, revitalize the economy, restore pride of country, renew confidence that we’re on the right track? Virtually everywhere he looks he’ll find waste, inefficiency, overlap and shirked...

Hillary Express Arriving On Track 16

I haven’t given up but facts are facts and barring some earth-shattering event swing state momentum is on her side, moving her closer and closer to the White House. Speaking of facts, it’s obvious anyone could have beaten her, except Trump, and anyone with an ounce of common sense should understand she’s unfit to be president. Instead, a majority is ready to vote for her, demonstrating convincingly that the...

Never Ben Trump

Read it like JUDAH BEN HUR  to give a back-handed yet deferential nod to this young gentleman who laments never Trump! Ben is a bright guy on SoCal radio who’s Harvard law and a popular speaker in big demand. He’s been saying steadily he detests Hillary and all she stands for but, on principle, he can never vote for Trump. What’s that? Cut off the old nose to spite the face? Shoot oneself in the foot?...

America Spiralling Down

If you’ve ever seen footage of a plane losing power and rolling into a death spiral you know that unless it restarts the engine there’s no hope for a safe landing. Planes fly due to decades of technology creating a multitude of moving parts. If some fail back-ups kick in, but things like engines are self-reliant. They fail, it’s over. Many now see America as a doomed airplane whose engine has stopped, myself...

The Face Of America

AMERICA’S FACE In the late 1930’s early 40’s we had a far left socialist for president. In the 50’s a retired general; early 60’s a playboy with no experience who nearly got us into nuclear war, followed by a liberal coxswain who foisted the welfare state upon us; 70’s a man of dubious character who we forced from office; 80’s an actor turned politician who strode bigger than life...