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Not Your Daddy’s Democrats

When I was a kid learning about government/politics my friends and I identified strongly with democrats, since we were mostly from lower middle class, blue collar households. Seems idiotically simplistic now, but back then everyone knew democrats were for the little guy, republicans for maintaining status quo for rich people and big corporations. At least, so my mom told me. I remember she would mimic-spit when any republican...

Black vote stokes racism

I’ve described before how thirteen(13) identifiable voting blocs each gave Obama a big majority in the 2012 election. {See Obama’s Commandos I thru III, this blog site}. The biggest margins came from Hispanics, Asians and Blacks. Of these, Blacks were the highest by far, begging the question, why? According to recent data, Blacks gave him a 90%+ majority, which in electoral terms is astounding, if not completely...

Deck chairs again!

So, none of the president’s proposals will add to the debt, not one dime. Says it’s already accounted for in prior deals, cuts and savings. What kind of shell game is he playing? The debt clock is spinning like a top, adding millions every minute nearing $17Tril, yet we hear nothing about halting or reducing spending, nothing how we must get debt under control, nothing about fixing Medicare & Social...

End Times

Since the time of FDR, maybe before, America has tried to develop a social contract to encourage the flow of resources back to the people. The idea was to develop an array of safety nets for those who were unable to fend for themselves, or who fell through the cracks of the free enterprise, capitalistic system. Prof Walter Russell Meade of Bard College writes at length on the subject, saying in part . . . the institutions,...

Two Gorilla Surprise!

We’re the board of directors at the zoo, and our original budget called for one(1) gorilla in the simian enclosure, along with all the other screeching apes, monkeys, chimps & baboons. Now we find ourselves with two unplanned 900lb gorillas who, along with the other primates, are eating us out of house and home! One faction suggests we seek out more efficient ways of buying provisions: increase the volume, use...