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What’s with Jews?

I’m half Jew by my mother Rebecca and my dear friend Paul is whole Jew by yada yada! We’ve been getting together lately to kvetch about Jews and how they vote, especially Ohio Jews, Pennsylvania Jews, Virginia Jews, Florida Jews – although they’re a whole different story! Anyway, what’s to be done? Stubborn like mules, they know all about fat cat republicans with their big houses & steppin’ on little guys....

Middle Class

When democrats talk of the middle class they mean grassroots families, mostly blue collar, who earn enough to own a modest home in a safe neighborhood, have a couple of cars, can save for their kids’ college and put something away for retirement. This is an over-simplification, for I’m sure this label means more. Some would say it’s a state of mind, a path or condition leading to better things. It could be a modest...

The Hate Thing

Recently a well known talk show host asked his guests what the deal was with hate speak? He opined everybody does it, asking why we sink to this level? Why did certain people goad the worst in us, evoking distrust, disgust and hate? Liberals rant that republicans don’t care about the poor or women!  Latinos can’t possibly be republicans! The GOP will throw granny off a cliff! The rich don’t pay enough! They hate that!...