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New Inducement to Folly

TAXING THE RICH? HELPING THE MIDDLE CLASS? In case you haven’t noticed, we’re dealing with a president and crew having little regard for truth nor are they honest/forthcoming about their methods and tactics. They use sophistry and flat out deceit to sell programs/policies which are fundamentally changing the political/governmental framework of this country. While debating issues as a candidate Obama said his goal...

Not Your Daddy’s Democrats

When I was a kid learning about government/politics my friends and I identified strongly with democrats, since we were mostly from lower middle class, blue collar households. Seems idiotically simplistic now, but back then everyone knew democrats were for the little guy, republicans for maintaining status quo for rich people and big corporations. At least, so my mom told me. I remember she would mimic-spit when any republican...

Incitements To Ruin

America has always been based on a free market capitalistic system, exhibiting rugged individualism, personal ambition and the industrious self determination of its citizenry. Together these yielded up a national character called American exceptionalism. Other nations may speak of this, but the American experience since our founding produced more opportunity, innovation and wealth than any other place. We attracted more...

Inducements To Folly

We’re obviously dealing with a president & crew having little regard for truth nor are they honest/forthcoming in their methods and tactics. They use sophistry and flat out deceit to sell programs/policies which are fundamentally altering the political framework of this country. While debating issues as a candidate Obama clearly said his goal was to transform America, to change our healthcare to a single payer...

The Transforming Cometh

What many people characterize as a train wreck is being foisted upon us. Obamacare is the bane of our existence. Funding the government revolves around it, raising the debt looks to it, and any bill or legislative idea plays 2nd fiddle to it. It’s the main, underlying wedge between liberals/conservatives, the ever-present reason behind all current disputes. The left believes our healthcare was privileged, accessible to...