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Intellectual Game-Changer / Simple Marxist

Some are describing Obama as a deep intellectual guy, quick on his feet, politically shrewd in that he keeps his opponents on their heels wondering what comes next. Looks like your garden variety liberal to me. A New Dealer, a comrade for the Great Society. When he talks about transforming America, he’s catering to progressive elements using glib, catchy rhetoric, a meta-language filled with generalisms &...

End Times

Since the time of FDR, maybe before, America has tried to develop a social contract to encourage the flow of resources back to the people. The idea was to develop an array of safety nets for those who were unable to fend for themselves, or who fell through the cracks of the free enterprise, capitalistic system. Prof Walter Russell Meade of Bard College writes at length on the subject, saying in part . . . the institutions,...