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Akin Still Racin’

A while back Mr. Akin, running for the senate from Missouri against Claire McCaskill, was ostracized/repudiated by the republican establishment for remarks he made at a public event, basically claiming a woman’s physiology enables her to avoid pregnancy during rape. She controls her body, even in this circumstance, he contended, can will it to be unreceptive during criminal assault. The medical community, women’s groups...

Letter to Paul

Letter to my good friend Paul, a politically conservative Jew, who’s discouraged by the debating performance of Mr. Romney 10/17/12 Hey Bubie, Well, I was hoping for more from Romney and I’m sure you were too, but overall, he did OK. He definitely seems gun-shy about challenging/attacking Obama with cold hard facts, like the Libyan tragedy or his broad-sweeping proclamations how his policies are working, how the Bush...

Leaning Conservatism

Debt is eating us alive. Another debt-ceiling increase along with more of Washington’s budget busting insanity, and we’re done. I don’t mean we’ll explode or anything, only that the underpinnings of what has been the greatest experiment in republican-style democracy the world has ever known, will collapse. In coming months the American edifice will sway and groan as it inevitably settles into history. Think of...

Campaign Chicanery

Obama’s campaigning has become outrageous. He has people like Axelrod, Wasserman-Schultz, Reid, Pelosi and a gaggle of other squawkers spewing hateful rhetoric and accusations. Harry Reid for example, says he has it on good but anonymous authority, Mitt Romney hasn’t paid tax for 10yrs. He also says he doesn’t understand how any Hispanic can be a republican. State Senator Louise Lucas(D-Va) says she’s listened to...

Romney Works!

TIME FOR CONSERVATISM! As we approach this upcoming election, I feel there’s a lot of confusion amongst conservatives out there. Why? Romney and the others may not be the best conservatives around, and yes, I worry most of them won’t do enough if they get in. But isn’t this a bit like the deck chairs argument on Titanic? In case you didn’t notice, we’re in deep trouble people; with governance, debt, the economy, the...