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New Inducement to Folly

TAXING THE RICH? HELPING THE MIDDLE CLASS? In case you haven’t noticed, we’re dealing with a president and crew having little regard for truth nor are they honest/forthcoming about their methods and tactics. They use sophistry and flat out deceit to sell programs/policies which are fundamentally changing the political/governmental framework of this country. While debating issues as a candidate Obama said his goal...

Deck chairs again!

So, none of the president’s proposals will add to the debt, not one dime. Says it’s already accounted for in prior deals, cuts and savings. What kind of shell game is he playing? The debt clock is spinning like a top, adding millions every minute nearing $17Tril, yet we hear nothing about halting or reducing spending, nothing how we must get debt under control, nothing about fixing Medicare & Social...


HIGH POTOMAC EMBANKMENTS, ROTUNDA TOPS PENNSYLVANIA ZIGGURAT First came the Fiscal Cliff along the Potomac, with talks stymied until the last minute. Republicans caved on almost every issue, eking out one meager concession: taxes would be hiked only on those making $400K+, not $250K. Obama dug in, called their bluff, threatened to make the country believe it was all their fault if we went off the cliff. He had been...

Disgusted 2% = Economic Malaise

I’m amazed Fed Chairman Bernanke can’t understand why the economy doesn’t take off, with interest rates so low? Why the stimulus or quantitative easings didn’t prod things along? I can’t understand people being ecstatic we avoided the fiscal cliff, thinking that would improve things? Three main drivers of budgetary success/failure are revenues, spending and level of economic activity. Revenues...

Two Gorilla Surprise!

We’re the board of directors at the zoo, and our original budget called for one(1) gorilla in the simian enclosure, along with all the other screeching apes, monkeys, chimps & baboons. Now we find ourselves with two unplanned 900lb gorillas who, along with the other primates, are eating us out of house and home! One faction suggests we seek out more efficient ways of buying provisions: increase the volume, use...