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Huckster O’Reilly

Well here’s the old huckster telling republicans what to do, to avoid a President Hillary in 2016. That’s just great. Will the conservatives in his audience eat this up as sage advice? Is it what Hannity thinks, or Rush, or Mark Levin or Senator Cruz? This is the problem for true conservatives. Our ombudsmen are weak, sounding good one minute, bending over the next to make deals. We thought we had new champions...

Rogue Executive

Why do presidents and their staffs feel they are answerable only to themselves?  Do they think they’re above the law? Where in the constitution does it say the executive branch has final say or ultimate authority over the legislative and judicial branches? Administrations use every trick they can find to dodge giving answers on sensitive issues or incidents that have escalated beyond their control. Whether a leak,...

Black vote stokes racism

I’ve described before how thirteen(13) identifiable voting blocs each gave Obama a big majority in the 2012 election. {See Obama’s Commandos I thru III, this blog site}. The biggest margins came from Hispanics, Asians and Blacks. Of these, Blacks were the highest by far, begging the question, why? According to recent data, Blacks gave him a 90%+ majority, which in electoral terms is astounding, if not completely...

Being accountable

It seems the average citizen no longer understands or cares about accountability, so I thought I’d devote a few paragraphs reminding everyone why this is so important, and how no minimum standards of accountability are being applied to Obama’s administration, government and staff. To begin, we could start with all his campaign rhetoric filled to the brim with absolute lies, but then his friends say republicans did...

Bastardizing the word marriage

It’s unbelievable to me the highest court in the land has told the people anchored in Judeo-Christian tradition that a key component of their beliefs has been wrong these past 7,000 years. All societies throughout history, including non Judeo-Christians, have held traditional marriage in an unfair, discriminatory, unacceptable light. The world and its hundreds of billions of peoples who’ve gone before were wrong...