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Remove This President!

As a private citizen who deeply loves this country, I must stand and demand President Obama stop everything, cancel vacations, trips, golf games, political fund-raisers and all legislative items on his agenda, to immediately address and explain, step by step, what happened in Benghazi on the evening of Sept 11th, 2012.   These past nine months demonstrate he feels no compunction or duty about this event, no interest in...

Conservatives get down!

We’re down on national debt. Down on the size of government. Down on entitlements, and down on spending. We’re down, down, down. We’re also down with balancing the budget, transparency, full disclosure on Benghazi, and a complete investigation of the Fast & Furious and White House leaks scandals. We’re totally down with better cooperation from the Justice Dept, and better relations with our loyal opposition. If...

Dirty Dancing, Politically

For over two months pundits on both sides have queried Benghazi in shallow fashion. On the left, for weeks and weeks we heard how this was a spontaneous riot, very unfortunate but no big deal. They also tried to spin how the right was hell-bent on politicizing it, trying to take momentary advantage on the eve of the election, falsely sullying Obama’s foreign policy image and impugning his effectiveness as...

Smilin’ Biden

There were many memorable moments during the Vice-President debate the other night, but most agree the main image committed to memory was the grimacing, glaring, smiling facial antics of Vice President Biden. It seemed every time Congressman Ryan tried to make a point, he would immediately begin his routine, adding softly modulated groans and grunts for emphasis. He also rudely interrupted Ryan numerous times, unwilling or...