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Drain The Swamp?

Dark murky waters of political corruption are rising and swirling around Washington, finding their way into every nook and cranny, soon to be lapping the White House steps. We’ve known this for years, question being, how high will we let them go? Say what you like about republicans or democrats. They’re all dirty. Some years more, some less, but right now it’s democrat’s. They’ve run the show for...

Truth Matters

Growing up parents and teachers said tell the truth! In court or when taking oaths we swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but, and a witty saying advises how truth will set you free. Virtually everything in life starts off based on honesty, trust and truth. Truth usually boils down to what we saw, heard or read somewhere, as best we recall. Or remembering what we personally said or did to some one or about...

Remove This President!

As a private citizen who deeply loves this country, I must stand and demand President Obama stop everything, cancel vacations, trips, golf games, political fund-raisers and all legislative items on his agenda, to immediately address and explain, step by step, what happened in Benghazi on the evening of Sept 11th, 2012.   These past nine months demonstrate he feels no compunction or duty about this event, no interest in...

Pillory Hillary

At the risk of repeating myself, who the hell does Hillary Clinton think she is? Way bigger than a mere Secretary of State, obviously. Bigger than a president? Acts like it. Bigger than her critics and antagonists? Treats them dismissively, with contempt and absolute hubris, so evidently so. But the real problem, the kick in the face that begs for payback, his her utter and callous disregard for the feelings and needs of the...

Rice Unsuited

Anyone taking the trouble to read Susan Rice’s bio will be duly impressed with her credentials, experience and scholarship. Still, with all due respect I must disabuse such person of the notion these qualify her to be Secretary of State. Her primary focus/discipline from the start of her career has been African affairs. She gave her several dissertations on this, and has served in various capacities addressing the African...