Well guys, I give up! Going back to Clinton’s frolics I’ve been trying to understand the mass inability/unwillingness to call a spade a spade. I don’t mean that in a racist sense but in its original Greek which, back in roughly 300BC, meant calling something what it was, without prevaricating. Don’t beat around the bush – say it!
To most people, Bill Clinton was an unknown governor from Arkansas. That’s all we knew. Then he grew to presidential hopeful. Facts started surfacing about philandering, loose morals, financial dealings, wife’s illegal work, insider trading, land deals etc. Party hierarchy knew all this and more but they went ahead and chose him as their candidate. The rest is history. Many felt his presidency was a disaster!
Then Obama. Black, but a red herring if ever there was one, maybe even Manchurian candidate! The fact he was youthful, enthusiastic and Black overshadowed everything including he was an inexperienced outsider, a political protégé of the corrupt Chicago machine, a person of questionable heritage/citizenship and a known friend/fraternizer of certain individuals on the radical left, including a church affiliation boasting a reverend who was renowned as a radical Black activist.
Next comes Hillary, who was removed from a senate committee under clouds of unethical conduct; has baggage from her days as First Lady, involvement with Bill’s bimbo eruptions, alleged malfeasance at Rose Law Firm, uncanny beginner’s luck with cattle futures, entanglement in the Whitewater scandal, national security violations {emails}, Benghazi fiasco while Secretary of State and equivocal lega- lese {can’t recall?} while under oath before congressional committees.1st Lady, senator, SOS? Try sleazy/scuzzy/etc.
Now Biden. Where to begin? His election bulged/burst with rigs and twigs of fraudulent maneuverings, then virtually all he did since becoming president: border collapse, failing economy, profligate foreign policy, elastic fiscal constraints, illegal covid lock downs, vaccine mandates, absurd benefit-funding for illegal aliens!
Are we really OK with all this? What about his questionable emoluments {kickbacks} from foreign countries/companies, the criminal antics of his son in which he’s an integral part or his labyrinthine personal finances comprised of dozens of offshore corporate entities/properties worldwide making him worth hundreds of millions? He’s issued dozens of questionable if not unconstitutional executive orders, looks to be in a faltering physical state and recently impaired mental state as witnessed by his debate performance.
These three sordid profiles are tips of the scandalous crime and scandal laden icebergs these individuals float on. Each on their own caused titanic-sized legal, moral, ethical, societal and governmental catastrophes. It’s doubtful we would welcome any of them as neighbors, let alone elect/ appoint them to local positions of power/influence, yet here we are considering them for President!
Are we deaf, dumb, blind when it comes to politicos to their flaws, foibles? Do we want our side to win so desperately we don’t give a damn about character or reliability, just so they’re red or blue?
Many women think Trump a chauvinist because of remarks/ off-color jokes he’s told over the years. What about his job as president? Did his lack of tact/social graces affect his managerial skills? Was/is he a fighter? Did he help make America great? Did he improve the lives of millions of blacks/persons of color? Did he keep peace in the world?
Why did/do the masses give Bill Clinton a pass, excusing all his atrocious behavior and sexual predations? He admitted much of it, settling some complaints with large sums. He lied under oath {what is, is!} was impeached, enjoys lucrative speaking engagements, raises hundreds of millions for Clinton Foundation which is under scrutiny, helps Hillary with her outrageous runs for the president.
It’s mind-boggling to me how Trump can make a stupid or in-sensitive remark becoming an ogre/pig while Bill gropes and sexually assaults scores of women, visits Epstein island or aids/abets Hillary’s nefarious indulgences and it’s just his boys will be boys thing. Meanwhile Hillary gets away with scandal after scandal for years causing people to lose their jobs and lives, yet she’s still presidential stuff! With Benghazi alone she was incompetent if not criminally negligent, yet – “bloom stays on her nose . . .”
Yes, we really want her to be our first woman president just like we reveled in making Barack our first Black president. I already alluded to his questionable status at birth, dubious connections/affiliations and promise to transform America. I forgot to mention he did virtually nothing for the Black community, got us involved in regional fights/conflicts, alienated our friends and literally eviscerated our military.
I believe things will come out about all these scoundrels as well as the Bush’s which will absolutely stagger our imaginations – or should do – if we still have any sense of right/wrong, good/bad, which is my point. Are we no longer critically thinking adults? Have we lost the ability to know acceptable and unacceptable? Truth from fiction? Sincerity and candor from dissembling/deceit?
Most of us are in a mind-numbing stupor from long-term exposure to television, radio, media and Hollywood. Education and entertainment, sport and media all reek of bias/propaganda. Ever hear of Orson Wells’ famous 1938 War of the Worlds show, nearly causing panic? Or cigarette companies denying health risks of smoking? Stone Phillips on NBC’s Dateline rigging exploding Chevy trucks?
We watch TV, movies, listen to celebrities/sports icons and get captivated as they sell ideas, products, ideologies. It’s obvious, but oftentimes subliminal, meaning we’re unaware we’re being indoctrinated. Once we fixate an idea, we’re hooked on not changing that idea. We decide we like somebody, hate somebody, that’s it! Facts and reality are hopeless against our fixation.
The founders knew they’d crafted a worthy, resilient system of representative government, but worried/warned – it would only thrive for a virtuous people! If we’re stuporous, zombie-like we can’t be virtuous! Voting Biden is nemesis to their virtuous plan!
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I’m Al Shane
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