I just don’t get it. I try to be a critical thinker. If I don’t understand something or I’m skeptical/suspicious at all I step back, try seeing the big picture; What some refer to as the view from 40,000ft.
I’ve been hovering round for almost 4yrs now and continue to see a thick fog of confusion/denial lingering over the land like a noxious miasma, straining perceptions, clouding senses. Words like befuddle, confound don’t do justice to the intractable state of mind in which many find themselves, resigned and stuck in what shrinks call cognitive dissonance.
On one level, you see things as they are and know what they mean. On another you disbelieve your own eyes for their unacceptable explanation of what’s happening. Yet, you’re stuck with it and forced to make it work, because you are unable/unwilling to accept the truth! {Why, when proof is all around?}
I believe many are in this state and about to cast me aside for lighter perusements, so before you go let me try to assert some basics of the dilemma which I think work to harden your intransigence and solidify your fixation.
First, there exists a cabal of anti-American conspirators across the land. Their purpose for the past 200yrs has been to rule America. They mask their intent behind environmentalism, globalism but back in the day they were emissaries of the Rothschild’s banking cabal who began their dynasty in the 1760’s; Mayer Rothschild and 5 sons;100yrs before America was born. {Fact, but you refuse to accept it}
Next unacceptability? The cabal represents progress and change, a break with tradition. This means they sought kindred spirits, like-minded factions/groups who evolved into modern day Democrats. Also fringe elements like progressives, libertarians, socialists, communists, Marxists, statists, globalists. Eventually they targeted/seduced liberal Republicans too. {All part of their plan? Just can’t be!}
Next, it didn’t happen overnight. It took over a 100yrs to im-bed, another hundred to actualize a radical, united front having many names/banners. Examples? Groupthink, factions, Black Lives, women’s rights, gay rights, transgender rights, animal rights. People promoting these ideas remain puppets to the hidden agenda behind their cause. It’s true for all who call themselves democrats and those who are RINO’s. {We’re all duped by overarching agenda? No way!}
Next, besides deeply infiltrating the political parties they targeted influential industries/institutions running society such as education, banking, entertainment/sport, culture, media, commerce, government; modestly indoctrinated military. A virus or poison, infecting our entire society? {Not possible!}
Next, the banker’s greed metastacized into the causes and fronts cited above. Key persons/events in history got things rolling. Face value they always seemed to be about republic can vs democrat, but underneath it was more. Was War1812 just about treaties? Was Civil War about slavery/secession OR was it about the viability of a Confederate States America {CSA} serving commercial and banking interests of England, France, Rothschild? (see essay Crash Course). {Bankers may have caused/instigated Civil War? Impossible! Ridiculous!}
Finally, the heart of the matter. By virtue of their success in imbedding agents/ideologues into the mainstream of society they controlled/manipulated the workings of government, including processes and policies, back to the beginning. Presidents James Buchanan, Wilson, Teddy/Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson all aided and abetted naively or otherwise spreading the cancer of Marxism/statism/globalism in America! {You’re joking! All these men were duped, complicit? That’s plain stupid!}
See the immensity, the overwhelming effect the undermining and destabilizing of our country has had on our republic? It’s a miracle the founder’s dream lasted so long still semblance of its original self. We appear to be the same old America, at least many think so. But how cancer-ridden can a body get before it reveals its inner corruption and deterioration? In spite of the craziness, you still believe we’re in a cycle within a normal range?
Thus, my bewilderment. Signs everywhere. Tried stealing the 2016 election, did steal 2020, been stealing elections for years. Covid was a massive hoax, designed to intimidate and enfeeble the masses, which allowed them to manipulate and rig the election. Agents/elites covered it up! Untested vaccines randomly lethal! Entire medical profession falling victim to their worldwide ruse, helping to diabolically cull/ cleanse the world’s population!
I’m flabbergasted so many can’t see it! The craziness of the Biden administration, media complicity, failure of courts, precariousness of international relations, ineffectiveness of borders, rumors of human/child trafficking, prevalence of child predators/pedophiles and most recently, breakdown of security and assassination attempt on Trump. {It should all be mind-boggling to a sane and reasonable American!}
Obama, Hillary running the Party? Kamala, the ineffable political slut poised presidential? Do we forget all the scandals? Private server? Emails? Benghazi? Fast & Furious? 1st WTC bombing? 9-11? Bimbos? Sexcapades? Murders? {Merciless, unrelenting persecution of Trump for over eight years?!}
If you think this is all cyclical or within the normal range of political histrionics then, as a southern California weather-person here in Death Valley you are forecasting snowballs in July! As a cycle aficionado you’re a virtual Lance Armstrong! You are under a spell! In a stupor! Unreasonable beyond belief and out of conscious control, or my name isn’t Al Shane!
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