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Some close friends called me a fascist a couple months ago. Well actually neo-fascist, quasi-fascist, stuff like that, but it was hurtful just the same. I consider myself a law and order guy, constitutionalist and republican, although Republicans have got so bad I’m now independent. Maybe Libertarian? Nah, last I checked they were feel good/do it, no rules, etc.

Come to think, I should be glad they didn’t call me neo-Nazi, Gestapo, Stasi or KGB, with me going on about Crimes and Punishment! Dostoevsky got it, right? Yeah, whining about illegalities, cheating, treason, stuff we’re not supposed to do in a civilized society. At least, not on this big a scale! Sure, a little here and there couldn’t hurt, but a presidential election? Entire Justice system? Corrupt Judiciary? State by state pulling shenanigans? Law enforcement asleep? Media OTL? Sounds like circus world to me, a clown show extraordinaire!

So, we were at wit’s end! Every way we turned there was no respite or reasonable solution, no effective method for dealing with the rampant insurgency in the land. We truly were in a madhouse, a nonsensical play that was once Reagan’s shining city on a hill. How many times did he tell us . . .              . . . tyranny was just one generation away . . .

I’ve said before, we did a lousy job watching the culture, con-trolling the rhetoric, policing the progressive craziness inundating our lives. Talk of slippery slopes – this was a runaway train speeding down the tracks oblivious to anything/everything in its way. Jurisprudence out the window; police doz-ing; scholars resting on laurels; article by article, Amended Right after Right lost; constitution losing authority, respect, hold!

Friends hurling names didn’t seem to understand it was all spiraling out of control. The fabric of our culture, society, government was unraveling, torn asunder. For years we had waited in line, reading reviews, hearing how great their show was. On 11/3/20 we entered their movie house and a virtual theatre of the absurd!

Like most theatrical experiences, one tends to suspend logic and judgement in deference to the false reality being depicteded on stage or screen, in this case mind-controlled caverns of our psyche. We bought it hook, line and sinker! Next four years we went through the motions of our daily lives without sensing the terrible wrong they had done! Most were in a stuporous media induced fog, duped into being compliant victims but a few knew right away we were being thrust into a false reality based on deceit, lies and fraud!

Try to think of a model town {Libertyville?} that has good guys and bad. Most are good but using trickery and guile the bad cleverly insinuate themselves into all the centers of authority and governance. It takes years but finally they win the mayoralty and occupy all the key positions of power and influence. Still a tiny minority, but townspeople remain ignorant of the evil in their midst. Even with far greater numbers they allow the charade to proceed and a dark villainous miasma settles over their town.

Their friendly layback atmosphere gives way to soft tyranny,  then police state. People are wary, meeting each other furtively in their homes, realizing something’s wrong! Rumors spread there was cheating in the election. The incumbent really won, but somehow it was rigged for the new guy whose campaign promises vanished. They try to air their grievances but no one listens. Sheriff/Judge/Banker all support the mayor, refusing to hear such nonsense. Comes a new election, the defeated mayor runs again. He promises to put things right, find out what went wrong and who did it!

A few more days Trump will take his oath of office and we’ll see if he’s as good as his word. He says his top priority is to weed out the bad guys no matter how many or highly placed and bring them to justice. During the past four years investigations have been ongoing and we’re given to believe there are already several hundred if not many thousands of sealed indictments ready to go; some particularly egregious people may have already been arrested, tried, convicted, punished – outside the public eye.

Of course, I’ve been saying this all along and arguing for justice: not revenge or payback, justice! You can’t have laws, order, a constitution if there’s no incentive to abide, which is achieved by punishing wrongdoing like breaking the law or acting unconstitutionally. Those dear friends of mine {libdems like the fraudsters} don’t believe anything bad happened. It was a good election fair and square and their guy won. I’m just a crazy republican sowing sour grapes because I’m a sore loser.

Well, the truth is about to come out – if Trump keeps his word. If I’ve been right and cheating took place, demanding justice doesn’t make me a fascist or any of those other evil labels, just a good law-abiding citizen who wants his life controlled by a representative government elected by the People, not some usurper selected/appointed by a gang of anti-American thugs!

When those friends of mine come to this realization, regain their senses and show equal disdain for evil doing, they will deprogram themselves from their baleful stupor and acquit themselves of their partisan bias debilitating them into this susceptibility. They’ll admit the enormous insurrection that was attempted by mostly progressive-minded Democrats with a rogue’s gallery of RINO’s, Socialists, Communists, Globalists, Cabalists and Satanists. All of us, whatever our politics, must grasp and fully comprehend the fragility of our freedom and republic. We must come to realize there is evil in the world that will bring us down, given the opportunity.

America is truly a blessed experiment worth fighting for, so we must never let our guard down or our vigilance slip. We are unique among nations and through all of {known} history and hereby declare any new/future attempt to deceitfully or openly undermine, insurrect or overthrow our government/ society will be met with extreme prejudice and immediate Just Desserts . . .

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I’m Al Shane

Alvan I. Shane Author, The Day Liberty Wept 2270 N Euclid Ave Frequent Op-Ed Contributor Upland, Calif 91784 Political Donor to Cons Grps / Causes (909) 946-5104 Ex-Marine / California native Tax Accountant / Mar 43yrs / 1 son
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