I’m one who believes the 2020 election was stolen and it appears more and more are coming to agree. We therefore have a situation where facts are not meeting reality. Facts should dictate the 2020 election be declared null and void by authority of congress or SCOTUS. For some reason that’s not happening – which leaves it to the military, whose ultimate duty is to defend the constitution!
Three bodies maddeningly quiet: flat-footed, seemingly uninterested. Why? One could conjecture all day but bottom line, something has to give. We’re on the eve of another election and, if something isn’t done, the same cabal of thieving, traitorous Democrats we’ll still run things and we can’t let that happen!
Two recent polls, unscientific but telling: the first a sampling of a few hundred thousand, the other from the Elon Musk organization of over six million; both show Trump ahead by 75-25%. This against Kamala, but it doesn’t matter who they put up. Trump will be president, no question.
For the past four years we’ve been in a state of devolution; continuation of government. Trump instantly became a wartime president when it was stolen and he ordered the protocol via executive orders. This means the military took charge, instigating a soft martial law. There are many proofs of this but suffice it to say Trump remained president and Commander-in-Chief this entire time. Biden, Harris, their administration, most of the congress plus untold numbers of state and local electees/appointees are renegade insurrectionists who overthrew the government! By virtue of this they are criminals guilty of heinous illegalities warranting arrest, conviction and punishment – NOT an ongoing opportunity to prolong their charade! Given this, things will go the next several weeks in one of the following ways:
Campaigning will proceed until the election, at which point Trump will win in an unprecedented landslide of at least 75% or more of the popular vote and 80%+ of the electoral vote. The military will be watching and if they detect any attempt at delaying or manipulating this outcome, internally or from foreign sources, they will step in, stop any such attempt and declare Trump the winner! They will then remain poised to keep the peace, establishing a presence in several dozen up to a hundred of our major towns and cities. They’ll put down any ongoing attempt at insurrection/revolution and stay in a peace-keeping stance until such time as the federal government and local policing authorities can re-establish effective law and order.
Campaigning will proceed but the democrats will initiate an impeachment process under the 25th Amendment to remove Biden due to diminished capacity, making Harris the temporary acting president. She will continue to campaign at this elevated status in the hope her makeshift incumbency helps to secure her election.
But – given the reality of Trump’s huge lead this scenario may morph into one of several alternate strategies: she gets re- placed by Democrat Party managers for someone more electable and capable of acting presidential, someone giving Democrats a new, last-minute burst of hope; or acting as president, she’ll declare some kind of emergency that suspends the election pending further developments, giving her people time to reorganize/strategize/criminalize the process. This will be to no avail as the military will be in its watchful state, prepared to intercede at the slightest hint of trickery or deceit. Harris or her proxy will have no command authority to make them stand down, so they’ll perform their duty and enforce the constitution!
In the midst of campaigning over the next few weeks, in the face of numerous state’s legislative/judicial actions to
reverse/invalidate their own 2020 election results, combined with the long-standing Brunson case which has been before the court for over a year, SCOTUS will be pressured to hand down a ruling declaring congress did not perform its duty when it accepted certification of election results knowing there was good reason to believe results were flawed if not outright fraudulent! This would instantly nullify the election, incriminate Biden, Harris et al and the Nov 5th election would be put off for 90-120days during which Trump will regain his presidency and begin the massive clean-up process ridding Washington and many state houses of usurpers and traitors. Trump’s people and the military know who the bad guys are and will begin immediately to drain the swamp!
OR – SCOTUS remains mute, refusing to address this most significant/urgent issue in which case the military, upon seeing that things are barreling toward chaotic uncertainty, will step in, declare Martial Law, suspend the 11/5 election to some new date and place Biden, Harris et al under house arrest. Then force congress to recess until full reinstatement of constitutional authority is achieved by an acting chief executive, a functioning SCOTUS and a sanitized Justice Dept, State Dept and all Executive Branch Cabinet level departments/agencies. There may be more possibilities but one thing is certain: Trump will prevail, becoming a 3-term president. History will show him the 45th, 46th, 47th through 2028.
There has been a deterioration in the quality of Democrat nominees starting with Clinton, who was a liar, cheater and sexual predator well-known to Party leaders but didn’t care! Next came Obama who was of fraudulent citizenship and marital/fatherhood status, a closet gay/bisexual and in all probability our first Manchurian candidate! Next Hillary, a power-lusting, evil manipulator who lies, cheats, defies regulations/laws and does virtually whatever it takes to get her way. Next Biden, who willfully over-threw the government by rigging the election, defrauding Trump of his victory and using his power to shake-down/embezzle countries and corporations out of millions while performing his duties at a level of incompetency/criminal negligence never before seen.
And now Harris. I made a bet she would not emerge from the convention as Democrat candidate because in my view she is less qualified, of more sordid character and so obviously undeserving! Well, lost my bet but couldn’t be happier, seeing Democrats so stupid as to pin their hopes on this pathetic trollop.
This is history in the making folks. Stay tuned and try to pay attention as all the clowns and pretenders wind up in the big house and Trump rightfully and inevitably re-occupies the White House!
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I’m Al Shane
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