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No-Wall Left Ulterior Motives, Political Deceits

For years the open border duo of Schumer-Pelosi along with their leftist pals and the full support of mainstream media have described illegals as hard-working, law abiding, self-supporting and highly deserving of an opportunity to become legal residents with a path to citizenship. They’ve numbered them in the 10-12 million range for decades, downplaying their impact and claiming they don’t really cost us that much. They...

Where There’s A Will There’s A Wall

Let’s be clear: sovereignty is not negotiable! The more than half of us who still have our wits aren’t amenable to open borders or an open floodgates immigration policy. The world’s masses don’t gulp down Coke “ singing in p-e-r-f-e-c-t   h-a-r-m-o-n-y ” and won’t be doing so in a hundred lifetimes, so all you camp counselors out there sorry, but it ain’t gonna happen. Borders protect sovereignty and...