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Coup Pro Quo

Quid pro quo is when we hold an election, vote for a sitting president by a huge margin and he’s quickly re-elected, unlike this election. Here, an overwhelming majority has been waiting three weeks for various states to certify votes due to strange irregularities. Stepping back and reviewing them all in total, they  look more and more like a coordinated attempt at a coup!    We grow weary and wary as it drags on,...

Tyranny’s Boot

Mark Twain once said  “ . . those who don’t read the papers are uninformed; those who do – misinformed . . ” Pretty savvy stuff for 100yrs ago, him a democrat and all. It still applies today. The NY Times under-reported Hitler’s evils and the holocaust; same with Stalin’s pogroms and Mao’s cultural revolution. Not only didn’t it report, it mis-reported, making them seem something they were not,...

Taking A Stand

Five weeks ago we held a presidential election and soon found various irregularities/illegalities took place. It was not a few incidents of vote tampering. It was a purposeful, highly coordinated scheme across several states to steal the election. It nearly worked. Now we’re in a situation where half of us believe something dastardly happened smacking of outside influence and fraud: the other half, nothing. For us to...


Not sure about you, but it feels like I’m in Nicaragua or Angola, anyplace but America! The past few days have been so bizarre they’ve shaken the very foundations of my belief that here, in this country, reason, decency and sanity prevail. We are not a banana republic and never have been, but something is going on challenging that belief. Consider – Its Thu, Nov 5th and there are seven states whose vote tallies are...

Post Election Protocol

Trump is headed for victory on Tuesday and by all indications he’ll win by a landslide. This begs the question “what will be his first priorities” post election? We all know he needs to drain the swamp, but where to begin? Hopefully, he’s done his homework, gathered mountains of evidence and already begun the process of cleaning house with redundancies, firings and new appointments to the many...