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On The Matter Of Society

It seems to me most Americans today are divided into two political camps, and therefore two societal approaches: on the right we have traditional democratic republicanism. On the left, socialized democracy, or statist democracy. It also seems most Americans don’t understand or appreciate how the dynamics of our economy and its overall success rest on these approaches, begging the question which offers the best...

Unfinished Business

I’ve believed for many years that Bill Clinton, with his low character, was one of the worst things that could happen to this country. He and Hillary together were a detestable duo as they dodged justice. Hillary by herself is the consummate white collar criminal hiding derelictions, perpetrating frauds, committing obstruction/misappropriation and, when expedient, dissembling, suborning perjury and lying to line her...

Now What?

The acid test begins. Will Trump keep his promises? Surround himself with proven, experienced people who know their way around? Show he really knows how to deal and compromise? Most importantly, will he push conservative values, revitalize the economy, restore pride of country, renew confidence that we’re on the right track? Virtually everywhere he looks he’ll find waste, inefficiency, overlap and shirked...

Hillary Express Arriving On Track 16

I haven’t given up but facts are facts and barring some earth-shattering event swing state momentum is on her side, moving her closer and closer to the White House. Speaking of facts, it’s obvious anyone could have beaten her, except Trump, and anyone with an ounce of common sense should understand she’s unfit to be president. Instead, a majority is ready to vote for her, demonstrating convincingly that the...

On The Brink

Only a few days left until election day and Hillary’s ahead. We all know brink means the edge of something, verge of taking action, the threshold of danger. For conservatives these all apply. On the brink is where we’re at, having spent 8yrs in liberal wasteland and now facing at least four more. What to do? First, we need to grasp our predicament. The country has moved away from us. We’re standing on a...