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Reverse Racism?

I argue again and again 99% of the racism in this country is harbored by blacks. They wait for opportunities, and pounce. When something happens involving at least one black person, one non-black person preferably white, out comes the race card. The charge is usually made before the facts are in, before anyone has any idea what really happened, and before the justice system has had a chance to work. Then, if the verdict...

A Miasma From Black Charlatans Limousine-Liberal W...

In earlier pieces I wrote how Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Rev Wright are nothing but merchants of mayhem, spinning every situation, event & crime into a race-based witch-hunt. Case in point: Trayvon Martin. Virtually every black leader across the country leaped to a conclusion this was white-on-black hate crime. End of story. Didn’t matter Zimmerman had a history of being cordial/friendly to blacks;...