I wrote the following letter in response/reaction to a discussion I had just had with a business associate who happened to be black. The tone of our discussion was cordial, and we found agreement in many areas. But he made a few remarks which I found inconsistent with the bulk of his view-points and, rather than challenge and create an air of adversity in the midst of an otherwise polite productive conversation, I let it slide, to be addressed post facto in the following letter.
I want to take a moment to thank you for your time and thoughts yesterday. It’s not often I get chance to talk with a black person about social issues and race relations overall, and I found it enlightening.
I feel we’ve made tremendous progress in race relations these last 50yrs and that MLK would agree, at the very least, things have improved. I think he would also agree that, however hard we try, we may never completely eliminate the prejudice/racism that infects humanity.
Notice I’m being all inclusive with the word humanity, for this problem truly does cross all cultures, races, ethnicities, colors and creeds. Blacks struggle to find equanimity with whites, just as whites do with them and other peoples of color. We are all careful, if not suspicious, when dealing with folks unlike ourselves, finding that trust is not a given, but must be earned.
I’m sharing these thoughts with you because I’d love to think we can find common ground, if we each believe the other is sincere and desires to improve things. So let me mention one thing that’s troubling, even problematic, as we work toward this common ground, common denominators and common sense. It’s the perception/understanding I got from our conversation, and it may be wrong: you are satisfied/content with black civil rights leaders on the national scene, and trust their motives.
To begin, I think we should look for the good and praise it, and not dwell on things that are subjectively murky/unclear. When we view an incident we shouldn’t jump to conclusions before learning the facts. Charging racism is like yelling fire in a darkened theater. It must be discouraged, unless there is clear, obvious proof that people are in danger/racism is present.
I understand with the Trayvon tragedy blacks felt here we go, same old hypocrisy & cover-up. White man kills black teen: nobody cares. How could Oprah compare this to Emmett Till saying she saw no difference? How could Kirsten Powers on the O’Reilly show say she absolutely felt it was racially-driven and could not bring herself to think otherwise. Why do these two, along with Sharpton and the rest, think this?
Consider: George Zimmerman is more Hispanic than white, but called white by the media; his personal background contained many examples indicating he bore no animus toward blacks; there was nothing in the cell phone conversation or testimony of witnesses showing he used the “N” word; there was nothing to show he knew for a fact Trayvon was black prior to the confrontation; there’s no reason to believe, given same circumstances but white assailant, he wouldn’t have defended himself the same way using lethal force; there was every indication judging by his clothes, backpack, hoodie, body language, saunter and direction of travel, he was a stranger in the complex with no apparent reason to be there; his troubles and priors were not introduced into the record.
I can make many more arguments but bottom line, nothing in the facts, evidences or testimony could attest to the reality/probability this was a racially motivated event. Without such incontrovertible proof, why do so many jump to this conclusion? I think it’s because they either have an agenda, or are so steeped in their predisposed racial mentality they lack the ability and/or will to see the truth. They see what they want to see, and nothing more.
Please understand I’m not saying it couldn’t have been racism driving this. It’s not impossible, but without entering Zimmerman’s head and reading his mind we can never know for sure.
So, we must trust the system to operate in a non-prejudicial way using facts, circumstantial evidence, testimony & whatever objective proofs as may be. Then, let the chips fall and that’s it.
Gather the facts, indict, hold a trial, convict, or acquit. Could there still be a miscarriage of justice? Yes. We can never be omniscient about truth or perfect in knowledge. What we can be is of good purpose, reasonable deliberation and skillful implementing the processes/systems at hand, never letting these be abused by the aforementioned agendas or predisposed conclusions.
I would argue more blacks, proportionately, have such agendas or predispositions than whites. It’s leftovers from an earlier time. Whites were scolded, learned, grew and cast off most of these leftovers: blacks did not.
Blacks cling to the notion if they’re white, it’s racism! They insist the great strides and progress made has been primarily their doing, with not much attributable to whites. They persist in their victimhood, identifying as 2nd class citizens. Everything they think or do is justified by these.
Again, I mean those in the greatest proportion. Obviously there are many enlightened blacks who have moved past this, who understand that, here in America, they stand equal to all, obeisant to none. Blacks past and present have known this, persons like Frederick Douglass, Booker T Washington, W E B Du Bois, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Alan Keyes, Allen West, Tim Scott, Thurgood Marshall, Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Bill Cosby, J C Watts and so many more. But alas, they comprise a minority in a minority, their voices drowned by a cacophony of nonsense, self-aggrandizement and hate.
You say you respect/admire Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the rest, but I’m afraid they work to hold back their fellow blacks, exploiting their predicament. So much time & energy are wasted by their pursuits, distracting young people away from more immediate necessities like father-centric family structures, education, maturation, employment and independence. Ask yourself, what have these two done, or Oprah, Rev. Wright and all the Pennsylvania avenue limousine-liberals, really, to improve/nurture these five paths to success?
I know I can never understand the black experience, nor the mindset born from centuries of brutality & servitude. My sense, if not very being, must forever be outraged by all that has gone before. Still, I’m a byproduct of that history and will make whatever effort I can to insure these injustices/inequities never happen again. Not to blacks, not to anybody!
If my tone is pedantic, I apologize. I don’t mean to lecture, and now see this is way too long and losing focus. Let me end by saying I respect your opinion, will remain quiet/attentive to any rebuttal you care to make, and will continue to encourage/propel the cause of racial equality in every way I can.
I hope you will consider me one who means well and isn’t afraid to express his views. Perhaps you will call on me sometime, if ever you wish to hear a white-oriented opinion. May fairness, reason, wisdom and justice guide us to a better tomorrow.
Alvan I. Shane
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