Lately my friends, including some really good ones, are calling me names in what I guess is their frustration dealing with me and my opinions. We know how dangerous labeling people can be. More times than not it’s just a cheap shot for lack of more vocabulary. Still, in case there’s confusion over who I am/what I believe I’d like to set the record straight and hope this personal profile comports with most of my brothers/sisters out there . . .
I believe in free speech, all nonviolent forms; right to meet/ march; right to protest at bureaucratic sessions and voice, write, post opinions in every kind of media including print news, magazines, social media, blogs or internet. I don’t believe in censorship except in extreme cases involving public safety, libel, gross obscenity/pornography and/or hateful/virulent anti-American speak. For normal left-right opinion, public media should stay fair and balanced, giving equal time/space to commentary from both sides.
I believe in law and order and maintaining a civil society. Laws, codes, authoritative constraints should be obeyed/ enforced so long as issued in conformity with proscribed methods detailed in local/national codes and laws. Deviations must be challenged/overturned by the related public constituency using protest, legal rescission, replacement.
I believe schools K-12 should be uniform in providing accurate information concerning the history of America, including strengths/weaknesses, successes/failures. There should be minimum school bias/teacher bias when discussing these topics. Educational curricula should be consistent intrastate and as alike as possible interstate. Effort should be made to make students proud of their nation/heritage with minimum effort to propagandize otherwise.
Attempts to introduce aspects of the human condition including biology, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology ethnology or sexuality should be restricted, only offered as high school electives/prerequisites for college. Behavioral/ moral teachings regulating the way we perceive ourselves and those around us should be driven by parental influence, then by religious/philosophical influence, then social interactions, then educational instruction found in classrooms, then sports, arts programs & volunteer activities.
I believe English is our official language and must be mastered as read, written and spoken to achieve a H/S Diploma; it should be used for all oaths of office, all government jobs, all citizenry requirements and all voting pamphlets, paraphernalia, ballots. Schools shouldn’t provide bilingual instruction but rely instead on charitable, private or state agencies and groups to provide this service.
I believe the right to vote is for citizens only. A voter must have a valid picture ID, Voter ID and be listed on the local voting roll. The preferred voting method is paper ballot. Absentee ballots should be sent only on request and require 1) active military 2) out of country status 3) in hospital, elder-care/hospice 4) ambulatory impairment 4) remote/unable to travel necessary distance to polling station.
I believe a nation must have secure borders to preserve sovereignty, which is crucial for nationhood. It must have firm, clear immigration laws including quotas, restrictions and minimum standards for long-term/indefinite immigrants; precise guidelines for refugee/humanitarian emigres seeking asylum.
I believe in the right to own a gun, within reason: no machine guns, rocket launchers, bazookas, explosives or other forms of military ordnance; basic handguns and rifles/shot guns holding no more than twenty rounds. Also a screening process to keep non-mature or otherwise unreliable persons of whatever age/gender from legally acquiring guns.
I believe in a woman’s right to abortion, at her own expense, within the first trimester. If of sound mind no reason is needed. If unable to pay should ask male partner; if not feasible government-backed loans are to be available. 2nd trimester is subject to strict rules on mother’s health, status of fetus, nature of impregnation i.e. rape/ incest; 3rd trimester prohibited except under extreme circumstances as evaluated by an attending physician, social worker, family law judge. Guidelines should be available in state of jurisdiction; if a No Abort state, women must travel to closest provider state; federal oversight should insure necessary care is available.
I believe in a balanced budget, term limits for government electees/appointees and Justices of Supreme Court; national debt be limited to a fraction of annual GDP; size of federal government be reduced by half; a procedure be established to interdict election process when, based on preset rules/ procedures, it’s believed a faulty/anomalous vote count has worked to sway the results beyond a fair outcome.
I believe citizens while being educated must become well versed in our founding, government structure, operation of republic, definition of capitalism, free enterprise and meritocracy; understand why most/all aspects of socialism, statism, communism, theocratism and globalism are wholly outside/incompatible with America’s way, tradition, creed. Persons holding opposing views are OK so long as they remain law-abiding, knowing society is rule/will of majority.
I do not accept Sanctuary Zones where laws controlling illegal immigrants are enforced by local authority in opposition to federal authority. I do not agree/support the welfare state, believing we are intended to be a fair and free society giving equal opportunity to every citizen regardless of ethnicity, race or color. There should be no preference/favoritism related to these traits. Welfare is for those who have physical /mental impairment and unable to care for themselves. I do not accept in any way non-legislated benefits for illegals.
If no cheating, chicanery or skullduggery on fair elections, and allowing the founders believed their system – however excellent its fabric – couldn’t be worn by non-virtuous persons, I think reasonable Americans will do right by themselves, exhibiting sufficient virtue to work/save this country!
Conservative, constitutionalist, republican – I’m all these in spite of names they may call me including pseudo/quasi/neo or other prefixed version of fascist! Its certain these name-callers don’t recognize the corruption of Election ’20, treachery behind Covid19/vaccines or true nature of Jan6 uprising. They are in denial/political stupor. They can’t see seditious intent, remaining unmoved/nonplussed by the outrageous unconstitutionality, illegality, unethicality propounded by this rogue government.
I will debate/compromise within limits of the ideological center, but will not soften my demeanor/forgive in any way the treasonous actions of evil, anti-American traitors! That’s who I am and how I roll . . . how about you?
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I’m Al Shane
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