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No Choice

When Trump burst on the scene I thought it was political theater of some kind. His form of ego nourishment, whatever. The first debate would tell the tale. Surprise! He held his own, albeit clumsily and with little tact. But he wasn’t flat-footed stammering for words. Quite frankly, he pulled it off. It was we who were flat-footed and the media and political pundits. I remember thinking he might actually have a chance,...

One Geezer’s Opinion

These are the waning days of my sixth decade, so it’s official: I’m an old geezer! Never thought I’d see the day, but here I am. Where’d time go? Waning a bit myself I’m thinking (Geezers do this) is there a reckoning afoot? Will this crazy election start the last faltering moments of this great land? Are my demise and America’s joined at the hip, ruining per- perhaps the best damn place...

President Or Prisonment!

I don’t know about you, but when someone lies to my face I get angry. It shows they have no respect for me or my intelligence, they’re unwilling to take responsibility for their actions and will say or do anything to avoid taking blame. Hillary Clinton is such a person. We’ve been listening to her lies for decades; lies about Bill’s philandering, cattle futures, Whitewater notes, being broke upon...


If I asked you to search your memory for politicians the past 30yrs who fit this description, who might they be? Spiro Agnew? Nah, that was 40yrs+. Charlie Rangell? Still sits in congress, so must not be a criminal. Christopher Dodd? Whatever he did, he retired out gracefully with full benefits, so I guess not him. Maxine Watters? She just helped her hus- band with a little “get me sum at the trough”, so no big...

Hillary Schmillary

Everybody’s talking about who the best candidate will be for the republicans come 2016: Mitt again, Christie, Rubio, Cruz or some new person waiting in the wings. No matter who they pick, there will be controversy, dissent and the real possibility republicans will split and weaken as they seek the presidency.   Meanwhile, everybody’s also talking about how Hillary Clinton is a shoe-in for the democrats and, based...