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A Miasma From Black Charlatans Limousine-Liberal W...

In earlier pieces I wrote how Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Rev Wright are nothing but merchants of mayhem, spinning every situation, event & crime into a race-based witch-hunt. Case in point: Trayvon Martin. Virtually every black leader across the country leaped to a conclusion this was white-on-black hate crime. End of story. Didn’t matter Zimmerman had a history of being cordial/friendly to blacks;...

Rogue Executive

Why do presidents and their staffs feel they are answerable only to themselves?  Do they think they’re above the law? Where in the constitution does it say the executive branch has final say or ultimate authority over the legislative and judicial branches? Administrations use every trick they can find to dodge giving answers on sensitive issues or incidents that have escalated beyond their control. Whether a leak,...

Black vote stokes racism

I’ve described before how thirteen(13) identifiable voting blocs each gave Obama a big majority in the 2012 election. {See Obama’s Commandos I thru III, this blog site}. The biggest margins came from Hispanics, Asians and Blacks. Of these, Blacks were the highest by far, begging the question, why? According to recent data, Blacks gave him a 90%+ majority, which in electoral terms is astounding, if not completely...

No Euphemisms / Pulled Punches Here!

Hillary & gang say they’ve told us all we need to know about Benghazi. Anything they left out, hey, what’s the difference? Due respect Madam Lucretia, but your hubris makes me hurl! Ambassador Rice acted on the best intel available, relying on it exclusively. Bull, Madam Spokeshole! They told you what to say and you spouted the party line, truth be damned! What did they offer, State? That didn’t work out...

No Euphemisms Here!

Hillary & gang say they’ve told us all we need to know about Benghazi. Anything they left out, hey, what’s the difference? Due respect Madam Dufus, but your hubris is unbelievable! Ambassador Rice acted on the best intel available, relying on it exclusively. Bull, Madam Spokeshole! They told you what to say and you spouted the party line, truth be damned! What did they offer, State? That didn’t work out...